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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ben is home!

Ben and Kari were finally able to come home today! He was fever free for over 36 hours so he was released. For the next several months Ben & Kari will make weekly or biweekly trips to Dartmouth for chemo. I believe this is about about a two hour trip for them.

I just wanted to say that we have gotten a great response already to the blog and Facebook group. You people are AMAZING!! Your donations are going to really help out, especially with those frequent and long trips!

Kari says that Ben is looking much better already. They are full of hope that this will all be behind them soon!

Check back tomorrow... Kari has a doctor's appointment and should have new ultrasound pics of those babies to share!! And maybe even a belly pic if we're lucky! :)

Thanks so much for helping spread the word about this blog! Keep up the GREAT work!